Friday, August 26, 2011

Grades and Late Work

Thanks to all of you who were able to come to Open House.  If you weren’t able to come, I look forward to meeting you some time later this year.

·       Parent Portal
   This is a great way to keep up with your student's grades.  Parent Portal is now open.
  •        In order to register, visit the Clarke County School District website.  If you have difficulty signing up, please call Ms. Cheryl Lee at the school, 706-357-5200, extension 17211.
  •        By Sunday evening, I plan to have all grades updated so that you can see your student’s progress.

·        Late Grades
    Late work is accepted until we take the Unit Test. It will be graded but cannot receive a grade higher than 70 unless the work was missing due to an absence. Please encourage your student to keep up with their work each day.

      Have a great weekend!