Statistics Project

This portfolio will demonstrate your understanding of our study of statistics and how statistics influence the world around us.   Each step should be done completely and checked by your teacher before you move to the next step.  Take your time, be thorough and have fun.  Be sure to show your work on all calculations.
Failure to submit checkpoint on or before due date will result in a 1-point deduction for that step. 

Possible Points
Points Earned
Due Date
1 The Article: The teacher will provide you with a list of articles and data. Choose the one that most interests you. (Total of 5 points)
1. State which article you chose (include title and author).
1 point

Monday, Feb 27
2. Summarize the article.
2 points

3. Write a brief explanation of why you chose this article.
2 points

2 The Summary Statistics: Find and calculate different statistical measures (as listed below) for the data set provided. All work must be shown and each statistic should be clearly identified. (Total of 12 points)
1. Find mean.
1 point

Mon, Feb 27
2. Find mode.
1 point

3. Find lower extreme.
1 point

4. Find upper extreme.
1 point

5. Find range.
1 point

6. Find median.
1 point

7. Find lower quartile.
1 point

8. Find upper quartile.
1 point

9. Find IQR.
1 point

10. Find MAD.
3 points

Wed, Feb 29
3 Representations: Draw representations and describe the distribution of the data. Be sure that your representations are clear and neat. (Total of 5 points)
1. Draw a stem and leaf plot.
2 points

Mon, Feb 27
2. Draw a box and whiskers plot.
2 points

3. Describe distribution of the data.
1 point

4 Survey: Design and conduct a survey (by using a random sample). (Total of 8 points)
1. Decide on your survey question (related to your chosen data from Steps 1-3). Have your teacher approve of the question.
1 point

Mon, Feb 27
2. Choose how you will collect your random sample. Have your teacher approve of your sampling method.
2 points

Mon, Feb 27
3. Survey 10-12 people and record the results.
5 points

Wed, Feb 29
5 The Summary Statistics for your Survey: Find and calculate different statistical measures (as listed below) for the student survey data. All work must be shown and each statistic should be clearly identified. (Total of 12 points)
1. Find mean.
1 point

Fri, Mar 2
2. Find mode.
1 point

3. Find lower extreme.
1 point

4. Find upper extreme.
1 point

5. Find range.
1 point

6. Find median.
1 point

7. Find lower quartile.
1 point

8. Find upper quartile.
1 point

9. Find IQR.
1 point

10. Find MAD.
3 points

6 Representations: Draw representations and describe the distribution of the student survey data. Be sure that your representations are clear and neat. (Total of 5 points)
1. Draw a stem and leaf plot.
2 points

Fri, Mar 2
2. Draw a box and whiskers plot.
2 points

3. Describe distribution of the data.
1 point

7 Comparisons: Compare the summary statistics of the article data with your survey data. Write at least one sentence for each comparison. Your comparison must include the context of the data (in a way that an outsider can understand it. (Total of 25 points)
1. Compare the means.
2 pts for comparing; 3 pts for explanation in context

Tue, Mar 6
2. Compare the ranges.
2 pts for comparing; 3 pts for explanation in context

3. Compare the medians.
2 pts for comparing; 3 pts for explanation in context

4. Compare the distributions.
2 pts for comparing; 3 pts for explanation in context

5. Compare the IQR’s.
2 pts for comparing; 3 pts for explanation in context

8 The Report: Rough draft (Total of 13 points)
1. After completing the project, state at least one thing that you learned.
3 points

Wed, Mar 7
2. Discuss how this data can be used to make a positive impact in your world.
4 points

3. Defend your point of view with at least 3 summary statistics.
6 points

9 Putting the Portfolio Together
on or before Friday, Mar 9
Section 1: The article
*Include article, summary and explanation of why you chose the article

Section 2: The article data and summary statistics

Section 3: The representations of the article data

Section 4: Survey
*Include question and random sampling method

Section 5: The survey data and summary statistics

Section 6: The representations of the survey data

Section 7: The comparisons of the data

Section 8: The final report
*Corrections made to rough draft
5 points (when turned in with final portfolio)

Section 9: Project requirements/checklist – checked and initialed by teacher

10 Submit final portfolio(Total of 10 points)
Your portfolio will include all of your work from this project. It should be organized and in the order listed in Step 9.
10 points