Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Math I Last Update

Hooray! Math I EOCT's are completed. Students will be working on the EOCP (End of Course Project) over the next few days. Students should use their classtime wisely to complete this project.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

EOCT is Monday and Tuesday

Students should prepare for the EOCT by studying old tests and the blue/yellow book.  The test will be during their regular class time on Monday and Tuesday (May 7 and 8). After the EOCT, the students will be completing in class projects over the Math I Standards.

Friday, April 6, 2012

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Keep checking the blog for updated homework assignments

Don't forget: The homework assignments are updated daily on the blog.

Friday, March 9, 2012

Halfway Point of Semester

We have reached the halfway point of the semester.  A couple of reminders that will help students succeed:

  • Take responsibility for their own learning. 
    • Sit in a place where they can be successful.
    • Make sure to get notes and missing assignments when they miss class.
    • Keep an organized notebook.
    • Complete every assignment.
    • Attend Glad Time or Pathways Tutoring to get extra help.
Have a wonderful Spring Break!

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Math I Update January 18

·         Students took their first test on Friday. The grades have been entered in and you can see your students’ average, as well as grades on individual assignments on Parent Portal. I encourage you to look at these with your student at least once a week to stay informed.
·       Retakes for the Unit 1 test must be completed by Thursday, January 26 in Glad Time or Pathways Tutoring after students have remediated. Students should set up a time with Mrs. Julian to retake the test.
·        Pathways Tutoring starts this week. Math I tutoring will be offered on Monday’s and Thursday’s from 4 to 5:15. This is a free service offered to all Clarke Central students.  If your student is struggling, please encourage them to use this great opportunity.
·        Glad Time is also another way students can receive help in Math I (or any other subject). Students have already chosen their first Glad Time session. If they have chosen to be in my Glad Time, they are expected to work on missing work, homework, projects, test corrections, etc. This time will not be used to socialize.
·         The Unit 1 Project is due this Friday. Hopefully, your student has already begun their project. This project counts as a test grade.
·         Notebooks: Students should have an organized notebook. We label each important assignment with a number. Notebooks will be checked next week.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Math I Update

Math I (2nd block)
Remember, you have a vocabulary quiz tomorrow. Just click on the link  to practice your vocabulary.    Characteristics Vocabulary Practice Game

  • The characteristics cheat sheet can be found on the left hand side of the blog.

  • Unit 1 project is due next Friday, January 20. The details can be found on the left hand side of the blog.

  • Functions Test is on Friday. Study your notes, homework and quizzes.